Monday, September 6, 2010

Lessons My Mother Taught Me

When anyone used to ask me "Fay, how old are you?" I used to answer "my age and telephone number are both unlisted." However, now that I am in my nineties, I do not hesitate because I am proud of my age.
I am also constantly asked, "What is your secret for longevity?" I must admit that I am the spirit of my mother. She took very good care of herself. She woke up early every morning to soak in her Jean Nate bath. I also love to luxuriate every morning in my bubble bath. She sat in front of her vanity with its three-way mirrors creaming her face with Ponds Cold Cream.  I moisturize my skin with an assortment of generic creams. She fussed with her hair and her nails and I also fuss with my nails by dipping them in equal parts of lime juice and olive oil and wearing hand gloves every night. I am a "do-it-yourself" lady as I cut and color my own hair and although I used to have body massages, I now do my own self massages after my morning stretches.

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