Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have repeated my mother's favorite three rules to all of my family. Now I would like to share them with you.

Rule #1-Take care of yourself for your old age.
Rule #2-Try not to stress your mind.
Rule #3-Do what's right for your own peace of mind.

Now for more of her witty expressions that I still recall:

"On someone else you see a fly, on yourself you don't see an elephant."

"Small children, small problems; bigger children, bigger problems."

"Good food is the best medicine.Better in your stomach than into the doctor's pocket."

"The choices you make, determine the ride you take."

"If you are bad and someone else is bad, who will be left to be good?"

"When a fool goes to market, the shopkeepers are happy.."

"An enemy can't do to you, what you can do to yourself."

"If you are too lazy to cook, you will go hungry, and if you are too lazy to clean your house, it will be messy."

"If someone gives you something, take it. If someone takes it away,scream!"

"Everything is good to have, except trouble."

"I brought up my children, you bring up yours!"

"Oh God! Don't lift me up too high, and drop me down, too low."

"A mother is a fool forever"

"God is laughing at the plans you are making."

This final one is my very favorite: "What was, was. What is, is. What will be, we must wait and see."

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