Sunday, October 10, 2010


"To your own self be true." You must recognize that this is the final chapter of your life. You love your privacy and independence.  You really want to stay in your "home sweet home." That is usually choice number one.  Good for you if you are reasonably healthy in mind and body with a few extra bucks.    But now, it's time that you ask for help.  With your doctor's approval, a local home care agency can provide you for a limited amount of time, with a registered nurse to check your vital statistics, physical therapist to assess your capabilities, and a home aide to help you shower or bathe.  This will all qualify for Medicare reimbursement.  However, you must incur other expenses from your personal income.  Meals on Wheels can be delivered to you if you are unable to cook.  A part time housekeeper is essential if you are unable to clean and do laundry.  And if you do not drive, you must hire a driver for your personal errands and necessary appointments.  By all means, you will enjoy the comforts of your home as long as you can.

Three ideal gifts in old age are health, wealth, and loving, caring, and supportive children.  An ideal situation is when the family jointly agrees to contribute to your happiness by providing shelter, love, and support.

Another new found lifestyle is a high end luxurious retirement center.  Your first visit will be a catered lunch in the dining room.  You will then be given a guided tour of the facility.  You will find the staff very gracious, meet compatible peers, see the amenities such as a swimming pool, exercise room, beauty parlor and barber shop.  The time is now to make a decision.  You may select a small or large apartment furnished or unfurnished.  You may also select one, two, or three meals a day.  The bulletin board boasts of house entertainment, busing to theatres, concerts, and events.  This is a fabulous lifestyle well worth the big bucks.  Go for it!  Money is the name of the game.

A less appealing choice for those who need more nursing care, is a nursing home.  My visit was very sad.  The depressing comment that I heard from the bedridden resident was, "For me, I know it's the beginning of the end." The facility is maintained well, but is often understaffed.  The less said the better.

Think it through carefully and do your best. Your future is in your hands. Wishing you much success.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your wonderful attitude. Life is a challenge for us all. Losing your physical and mental capabilities makes it even more difficult. I respect you for learning the communication possiblities that your computer provides. Keep sharing!
