Thursday, October 7, 2010


Once upon a time when you were young, healthy, and energetic, did you ever envision yourself in your dotage? Did you ever wonder how you would look or how you would feel? Yes, time is fleeting and your bad habits and your genetics are catching up to you. When you look in the mirror now and you see the wrinkled face and the thinning or balding hair, are you shocked by your unrecognizable self? "Who is this total stranger staring back at me?" You also honestly admit, " Oh my gosh! I am shorter, smaller, and stiffer. I never ever imagined this unbelievable revelation." Perhaps, if you are fortunate you still feel young and ageless.

Age is only a number
It's all in your mind my dear
Age is only a number
Keep your spirit high,discount the year!

Choose the age you want to remember
Hold onto that vision you see
And glow from within, that's the key.

Keep on nourishing that youthful feeling
Stop harping and making a fuss
With age comes experience and wisdom
Regard age as a blessing for us.

Age is only a number
As long as you dance and sing
If you're looking fine,having a good time,
Age doesn't mean a thing!

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