Friday, October 15, 2010


Certain things in life you learn from experience. We have all incurred a situation where our feelings were hurt. To forgive or not to forgive? That is the question. I have chosen to forgive because I refuse to store rent free negativity in my mind. I become my own therapist and talk with myself. "Life is too short no matter how long it is. Get over it.  Move on. It's good for my emotional and physical health." Only brain surgery or Alzheimer's disease will make one forget. Find peace of mind when you reach forgiveness.
I have created a box
Marked "Let it be".
Because many a heartache
Has happened to me.

When friendships are over
And in your heart you know
You must weed friends from your garden
And just let them go.

When the welcome sign is no more
And the lock is bolted on the door
Gone is the warm compatibility
There exists too much negativity.

It's time to seal the box 
As tightly as can be
And sever your relationship
With their company.

And repeat to yourself, "Let it be, let it be."

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