Saturday, October 30, 2010


Do you want to put excitement into your life? Do you have the desire to learn something new? Do you have a passion or dream to fulfill? You may not be as physically fit as you used to be, but if you have clarity and lucidity, you must exercise your mind.
I know we all have our daily rituals. I also know it takes time and clock watching for all our necessary medical disciplines. I must admit that I was resting, relaxing, and enjoying too much television. It was becoming too addictive and too sedentary. Case in point: Since my high school days, my passion has always been the love of writing. "Now listen,Fay," I said to myself, "take positive action and learn something new." So, now the computer has become my new challenge. It takes time and patience and most importantly it takes a savvy teacher. Thanks to many lessons from my two daughters, I am now abound with enthusiasm and new found energy.

In April of 2004 Maya Angelou on her 74th birthday was interviewed by Oprah on her show. Oprah asked her what she thought about growing older, Among other wise viewpoints, she answered "I think it is exciting." The audience applauded her and so do I!

So, what is on your bucket list? If it's doable, do it! It's so true that you are never too old to live and learn. I am now a happy blogger.


  1. One of the most important things on my bucket list is to become the Millionaire that Miss Fay knows I can be, by the time she turns 100! But since I'm impatient, I think I'll make it happen by the time she's 92.

    Lisa Gold

  2. It's true! You are never too old to live and learn. Welcome back to being a blogger, Grammy! I'm writing these days at Rob Ainbinder
