Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mind and Body Movement

I have just completed twelve sessions of pulmonary rehabilitation prescribed by my doctor and paid by Medicare.  Sharing my experience may help you. Firstly, the greatest awareness for me was learning how to focus on a proper breathing technique. It began low and slow with a deep breath into my nose held to the count of two and pursed lips breathing out to the count of four. Gradually, it became easier for me to increase to three deep breaths into my nose and six counts pursing my lips and breathing out. In time, with practice, you will find your own comfortable breathing style as it becomes surprisingly simple.

Breathing properly changes the chemical balance in the brain.  It is a great way to reduce anxiety, de-stress, calm down, and relax. Secretly, I perform this new healthy habit anywhere, anytime, and any place. It works for me when I need to cat nap, and especially at bedtime for a good night's sleep.

A secondary pleasure is called "Senior Stretching". Oh how I remember in my youth enjoying my health club membership and exercising like crazy using their expensive and sophisticated equipment. Swimming was my lifelong passion, but it is now just a memory. I live without regret because now self-care and self-love are the secrets of my survival. I have now created a personal stretching routine: arms, neck, shoulders, hands, fingers, and other able bodied parts from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.  I jiggle and wiggle and self massage the best I can. Recently I purchased a home recumbent stationery bicycle and peddle away twenty magic minutes everyday. A painless day is a happy day when stiffness and discomfort have lessened.

Find your own level of breathing and body movements. Who knows you better than you do? Listen to your body and allow your instincts to guide you. Lethergy begets lethergy. Sitting too long leads to stiffness, tiredness, and grogginess. Keep trying. Don't quit. Hang in there. Your bones and joints will thank you. There will be young days, old days, good days, and bad days. Do your best to feel your best everyday in everyway.

Stretch your arms without delay and give yourself a hug today.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not even a senior (yet) and this is GREAT advice for everyone. I'm going to get up from this computer right now and go stretch!
