Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Do you want to put excitement into your life? Do you have the desire to learn something new? You may not be as  physically able as you used to be,but if you have clarity and lucidity you must use the power of your mind. I know we all have our daily routine and all of our medical disciplines. Most of all, we enjoy taking time out to rest and relax viewing television. Perhaps we become too sedentary and too addictive. Case in point...The computer has become my friend.

Since my high school days, my passion has always been writing. It takes time, it takes patience, and above all else, it takes a savvy computer teacher. Thanks to many lessons from my two daughters, I am abound with enthusiasm and new found energy.

In April of 2004, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah and among other wise advice,she joyfully said "Life is exciting!" I applaud you and I agree with you, Ms Angelou.So, my advice is to live and learn and fulfill your "Bucket List." If it's do-able, do it! You have my guarantee that you'll feel happier and younger. 

The Spirit Within

There is a voice deep inside of me that I call intuition, instinct, or a gut feeling. It is strong and powerful and fills me with hope, faith, and positivity. This life force I believe is called spirituality.

I love and am loved especially by my family. My gratitude and appreciation for their loving care, kindness, and respect is overwhelming. My purpose is to leave a legacy of love and wisdom which will live on in their hearts forever.

I also believe that there is an art to growing old. Now there is more time to embrace life and more freedom to fulfill a goal or a dream. Outwardly, my face is wrinkled with a noticeable puppet chinline and a smaller and shorter stature.  Inwardly lives a young and vital spirit who wakes up every morning and shouts, "It's a miracle....I'm alive!"

We're all unique and special and entitled to our own religious beliefs.  Depending on our upbringing, schooling, and home environment, we choose our own way of thinking and believing. As human beings we all have our virtues and our flaws. Become the best you can be. As you grow older, your experiences will make you wiser and you will become more of your own true self.
     Who else can I be if I can't be me?

I wake up each morning
     With gladness in my heart
That this new day is about to start
     "I'm alive" I say
And I plan this day
     In and out, and all about
And again I shout "I'm alive!"