Friday, August 31, 2012

The Search for Happiness

You can shop everywhere and buy many things,
But it isn't something you'll find. 
Happiness lives deep inside your heart.
It's a positive state of mind.

Self acceptance and self esteem are very important qualities of a confident person. When you maintain a positive attitude, a pleasant disposition, and a generous spirit, you will become especially endearing with a handshake, a smile, a hug, or a kiss on the cheek. You instantly make a friendly connection.

Don't go around bemoaning or lamenting your problems because you will become a bore and a dullard. Time is ephemeral and it is wise to exude wonder, curiosity, and enthusiasm instead. Happiness is a gift you give yourself. There will always be minor mishaps and major accidents that you cannot foresee because there are bumps and potholes in the road of life. How you handle the changes and challenges reveal your true self.  However, if you are experiencing chronic pain, suffering with a terminal illness, it becomes impossible to be happy.  If the wolf is at your door due to the weak economy or if you and your family are hungry, and homeless with circumstances beyond your control, the horrendous stress and constant exhaustion, lead to an unbearable existence.  Then happiness is only a word in the dictionary.

Depending on your well being in your mind and body, try to find a purpose to your daily routine. Fulfill a dream, goal or passion. Can you plant a small garden, take care of it and watch it grow? Do you like puttering in the kitchen and planning your daily meals? Oh, to have a window view and see a rainbow after the rain. Be content with all you possess, that is the secret of happiness. Life is too short no matter how long it is. You cannot change the past, you cannot predict the future. Embrace the present. Nothing is more highly prized than the value of one day at a time. When you value your own health, forgiveness is best for your heart and soul. You may not forget the hurt, but you can reflect on your sweet memories. Your choices and decisions determine the ride you take throughout your lifetime. Care less about the small stuff and above all else, love your family and friends who see you in the image you see yourself. When the older generation is questioned on their idea of happiness, many different answers and similarities are revealed:

  • Money enough to take the fear out of paying bills
  • Having a close knit loving, caring, and supportive family
  • Being able to remain independent 
  • To see and enjoy children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren
  • Partaking of good times with good friends and good neighbors 
You take yourself wherever you go, so love who you are, where you are, and what you are doing. Count your many blessings, and make yourself a happy day.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Do you want to put excitement into your life? Do you have the desire to learn something new? You may not be as  physically able as you used to be,but if you have clarity and lucidity you must use the power of your mind. I know we all have our daily routine and all of our medical disciplines. Most of all, we enjoy taking time out to rest and relax viewing television. Perhaps we become too sedentary and too addictive. Case in point...The computer has become my friend.

Since my high school days, my passion has always been writing. It takes time, it takes patience, and above all else, it takes a savvy computer teacher. Thanks to many lessons from my two daughters, I am abound with enthusiasm and new found energy.

In April of 2004, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah and among other wise advice,she joyfully said "Life is exciting!" I applaud you and I agree with you, Ms Angelou.So, my advice is to live and learn and fulfill your "Bucket List." If it's do-able, do it! You have my guarantee that you'll feel happier and younger. 

The Spirit Within

There is a voice deep inside of me that I call intuition, instinct, or a gut feeling. It is strong and powerful and fills me with hope, faith, and positivity. This life force I believe is called spirituality.

I love and am loved especially by my family. My gratitude and appreciation for their loving care, kindness, and respect is overwhelming. My purpose is to leave a legacy of love and wisdom which will live on in their hearts forever.

I also believe that there is an art to growing old. Now there is more time to embrace life and more freedom to fulfill a goal or a dream. Outwardly, my face is wrinkled with a noticeable puppet chinline and a smaller and shorter stature.  Inwardly lives a young and vital spirit who wakes up every morning and shouts, "It's a miracle....I'm alive!"

We're all unique and special and entitled to our own religious beliefs.  Depending on our upbringing, schooling, and home environment, we choose our own way of thinking and believing. As human beings we all have our virtues and our flaws. Become the best you can be. As you grow older, your experiences will make you wiser and you will become more of your own true self.
     Who else can I be if I can't be me?

I wake up each morning
     With gladness in my heart
That this new day is about to start
     "I'm alive" I say
And I plan this day
     In and out, and all about
And again I shout "I'm alive!"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Mind and Body Movement

I have just completed twelve sessions of pulmonary rehabilitation prescribed by my doctor and paid by Medicare.  Sharing my experience may help you. Firstly, the greatest awareness for me was learning how to focus on a proper breathing technique. It began low and slow with a deep breath into my nose held to the count of two and pursed lips breathing out to the count of four. Gradually, it became easier for me to increase to three deep breaths into my nose and six counts pursing my lips and breathing out. In time, with practice, you will find your own comfortable breathing style as it becomes surprisingly simple.

Breathing properly changes the chemical balance in the brain.  It is a great way to reduce anxiety, de-stress, calm down, and relax. Secretly, I perform this new healthy habit anywhere, anytime, and any place. It works for me when I need to cat nap, and especially at bedtime for a good night's sleep.

A secondary pleasure is called "Senior Stretching". Oh how I remember in my youth enjoying my health club membership and exercising like crazy using their expensive and sophisticated equipment. Swimming was my lifelong passion, but it is now just a memory. I live without regret because now self-care and self-love are the secrets of my survival. I have now created a personal stretching routine: arms, neck, shoulders, hands, fingers, and other able bodied parts from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.  I jiggle and wiggle and self massage the best I can. Recently I purchased a home recumbent stationery bicycle and peddle away twenty magic minutes everyday. A painless day is a happy day when stiffness and discomfort have lessened.

Find your own level of breathing and body movements. Who knows you better than you do? Listen to your body and allow your instincts to guide you. Lethergy begets lethergy. Sitting too long leads to stiffness, tiredness, and grogginess. Keep trying. Don't quit. Hang in there. Your bones and joints will thank you. There will be young days, old days, good days, and bad days. Do your best to feel your best everyday in everyway.

Stretch your arms without delay and give yourself a hug today.